Free Trial
If we were buying software, we would want to know EXACTLY how it works and be 100% sure it was going to improve our business before paying for it. We regularly get new customers who were disappointed with the software they had bought from other suppliers because it failed to deliver what they had been promised. That’s why we like to find out about your business and then give you a free trial and guided tour of the software.
Here’s how it works:
Give us a call
Over the years, we’ve found that the best way to start finding out how our software can help you is to talk to us. We can then find out a bit more about your business, what problems you have and what you’re looking for.

Have a guided tour
When you’re ready, we’ll arrange a free trial and walk you through the software. We’ll cover any specific points you’ve told us about, and show you how it can solve your problems.
We’ll install the software first and then give you a one-to-one demo with one of our support staff or programmers (using some remote-access software). We’ll give you as much time as you need and will go through everything you want to know. Then we can leave you to have a bit of a play and then answer any other questions you may have.

See your data in the demo
We know from talking to businesses like yours that the best way to see exactly how the software will help you is to have a live system including your own data (which we will import for you). There’s no cost, no commitment and no time limits. We’re confident that you’ll like using the software so the best way for you to find out is to actually use it. It really is that simple.

Have a particular question in mind?
Whether you have a specific niggle with your current software or are looking at business software for the first time, give us a call. Whatever your question, we’re likely to have come across something similar over the years (we’ve been around for a while after all). We can work out a solution for you, even if this means adding something new to the software. We continually update our software based on feedback from our customers.
If you are an experienced user…
If you’re familiar with business software and are confident that you can find your way around it on your own, just drop us an email and we will send you a link to download your free trial. No fuss. No bother.
Contact us
Tel: 01458 444010
Tel: 01458 444014