One Tree Voucher Software

One Tree needed help from a software house that could get to grips with their slightly unusual business model, and get Xero, GoCardless and their own software working together.

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One Tree Logo
  • Market Sector: Software Service to the Hospitality, Hotel and Leisure sector
  • Established: 2012
  • No. of employees: <15
  • With Benchmark since: 2018

One Tree Software Xero Integration Project

One Tree Software provide a gift voucher processing system to hotels, restaurants and leisure businesses. Phil Callan (One Tree’s MD) approached us at a trade show looking for a software house that could help them with Xero integration and develop some ideas that he had. One Tree were already using Xero accounting software for bookkeeping and GoCardless to process direct debit payments made by their clients.

Xero Integration


One Tree Software’s web-based application is embedded directly into their clients’ own websites in the form of an online shop. One Tree charge a commission fee on each transaction and fulfil the gift voucher orders on behalf of the client. The One Tree software then generates a monthly invoice to each client totalling the individual commissions on sales during that period.

The big problem was that One Tree’s bespoke software system couldn’t “talk” to Xero. The monthly commission totals generated by the software had to be entered in to Xero manually. With numerous clients processing multiple transactions this was a mammoth task every month. And although there is a choice of “off-the-shelf” Xero applications, as you would expect , these focus on integrating the most popular and widely used business software. One Tree needed help from a software house that could get to grips with their slightly unusual business model, and get Xero, GoCardless and their own software working together.

Phil asked us to look at developing software to solve two key problems:

        1. To enable automatic importing of invoices generated by the One Tree system in to Xero’s accounts package. This would eliminate the laborious task of manually inputting these invoices and prevent errors associated with manual  data entry.
        2. Create software that would bridge the gap between Xero, GoCardless and the One Tree system. Although Xero already integrates with GoCardless, it was unable to perform certain functions and communicate directly with One Tree’s software.

Thankfully, Xero actively encourages developers like ourselves to use their Application Programming Interface (API) and we were able to solve Phil’s problems. The API allows us to write software that automatically imports the invoices generated in the One Tree software in to the Xero accounts package. These are then processed in the normal way. When payment has been received, (whether by bank transfer or via GoCardless direct debit collection), Xero then communicates this back to the One Tree software keeping everything up-to-date. No more manual data entry. No more hassle.


If you are struggling to get spreadsheets, legacy software systems or other processes to work with your Xero accounting software, we can help.


Tel: 01458 444010

Tel: 01458 444014



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