- Market Sector: Telecommunications
- Established: 1997
- No. of employees: 10,000+
- With Benchmark since: 2005
Benchmark’s Knowledge Management software (CHUNKS) was chosen from worldwide competition to be used by a key support team of 19 engineers led by Team Manager John D. Neald.
“We will be using CHUNKS 24/7/365 at Telstra’s Global Operations Centre in Melbourne.”
The support John’s team provides can be for mobiles, fixed lines and Internet Providers. The team covers the top 10% of business customers, around four million fixed-line customers and the core of Australian mobile customers.
They rely on the Knowledge Management software to pull together an increasing amount of information and to consolidate existing information from different locations.
“Working in a shift environment poses special problems for sharing information and CHUNKS brings it all together.”
After installing the software and running it for a few weeks John said “The software is looking and feeling pretty good. The uptake by the team has been excellent – there really is a need for this sort of product.”
Four years later and John says “The system is working fine.”
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